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Character Classes

Each PC picks a class at first level. A PC that is proficient due to class features gains their proficiency bonus to related checks. The GM is the final arbiter of when a proficiency bonus applies.

Each class has several archetypes. A player character picks one at first level, gaining the basic features and proficiencies of that archtype. At levels 3 and 7 the player character may choose one of the custom archetype features to add to their character. The PC can’t select the same feature twice. Classes list what dice to roll for HP earned at each level up. A PC always earns at least 1 HP each time they level up. Some classes have spellcasting.


You’re quick, strong, and militant. Combat is your specialty, and you’re able to deal and sustain more damage than any other.

Level Proficiency Bonus Class Features

Warrior Basics

  • Starting HP 6 + CON mod
  • HP each level up 1d10 + CON mod
  • Armor allowed All
  • Proficient weapons All
  • Ability proficiency STR, CON
  • Proficient checks:
    • Athletics
    • Animal Handling (Riding)

Warrior Archtypes


You gain your proficiency bonus to intimidation, endurance, survival, and travel related checks.


You gain your proficiency bonus to medicine, engineering, and diplomacy related checks.


You gain your proficiency bonus to nature, survival, and perception checks.


You’re sly, cunning, and precise. Stealth is your specialty, and you can bypass obstacles, patrols, and locks better than anyone.

Architecture (find secret doors)
Bushcraft (not get lost, navigation)
Climb (athletics)
Languages (even ones they don't know)
Sleight of Hand
Sneak Attack
Tinker (deactivate traps)

Level Proficiency Bonus Class Features

Specialist Basics

  • Starting HP 4 + CON mod
  • HP each level up 1d6 + CON mod
  • Armor allowed Light, shields
  • Proficient weapons All
  • Ability proficiency DEX, INT
  • Proficient checks:
    • Stealth
    • Deception
    • Perception
    • Tinkerer's Tools

Specialist Archtypes


You gain your proficiency bonus to athletics, intimidation, insight, deception, and tracking related checks.


You gain your proficiency bonus to perform, persuasion, and history related checks.


You gain your proficiency bonus to acrobatics, thief's tools, and investigation.


You’re inspired by the Holy Spirit to spread the word of the Son in honor of the Father. You gain divine spellcasting.

Level Proficiency Bonus Class Features

Zealot Basics

  • Starting HP 5 + CON mod
  • HP each level up 1d8 + CON mod
  • Armor allowed All (Except for Hermits)
  • Proficient weapons Simple
  • Ability proficiency WIS, CHA
  • Proficient checks:
    • History
    • Insight
  • Divine Spellcasting

Zealot Archtypes


You a priest, deacon or abbot with familiarity with armor, travel and hardship, a hardy agent of a bishop, or spiritual advisor to the nobility, or an intrepid exorcism dispatched to confront spiritual dangers. Zealots who are Catholic automatically know at least some Latin.


Maybe it would be more thematic if a hermit gives up heavy armor proficiency in exchange for something else at first level?

Yes, give up the heavy armor, but at 3rd level when they take the archetype, one becomes a hermit, one isn't trained or educated to be one. Maybe give them 1 extra first level spell known

Dave, see my recent email on the subject of PC archtypes. I've rewritten it so PCs choose at first level.

Zealots who are Catholic automatically know at least some Latin.


Zealots who are Catholic automatically know at least some Latin.


You’re clever, powerful, and mysterious. You delve into the practice of religious ecstasies, together with any related ideologies, ethics, rites, myths, and legends to tap eldritch energy. You gain arcane spellcasting.

Level Proficiency Bonus Class Features
1+2Starting HP, mage equipment. Basic archtype proficiencies, Gain arcane spellcasting
2+21/rest, reduce next damage by INT mod; quick, concentration
3+2Gain one feature from your mage archetype
4+2Add +2 to an ability score of your choice, or add +1 to two scores; Draw 3 cards from the special features deck, choose 1 to apply
5+31/safe rest, spend 10 min and dispel any spell below your level
6+3 Add +2 to an ability score of your choice, or add +1 to two scores
7+3Gain one different feature from your mage archetype
8+3Add +2 to an ability score of your choice, or add +1 to two scores; Draw 3 cards from the special features deck, choose 1 to apply
9+4Pick 1 known spell up to spell level 3. It is now a cantrip for you

Scholar Basics

  • Starting HP 4 + CON mod
  • HP each level up: 1d6 + CON mod
  • Armor allowed: Shields
  • Proficient weapons: Simple
  • Ability proficiency: CON, INT
  • Proficient checks:
    • Arcana
    • Nature

Scholar Archtypes

Hermetic Occultist

You gain your proficiency bonus to Persuasion, Insight, and History checks. You may add your proficiency bonus to any attempt to identify a magical item or trap.

Occultists are scholars of antiquity. They all know Latin, as well as a number of ancient languages equal to their INT bonus chosen from the list of ancient languages.

Hermetic Occultists may learn a number of unique spells available only to them.

Celtic Druid

You gain your proficiency bonus to Stealth, Survival, and Animal Handling checks. You are proficient with the scimitar and sickle as well as with an Herbalism kit. You can brew simple poisons and healing potions.

Druids' magical tradition is largely one passed in a spoken tradition. Druids can speak a number of additional Celtic languages equal to their INT bonus. Choose from Breton, Gaelic, Irish, and Welsh.

Zoroastrian Sorcerer

You gain your proficiency bonus to saves challenging your willpower such as charm or fear effects. You may reroll any die that comes up a 1 on spells that do fire or radiant damage, but you must take the result of the reroll.

Zoroastrians all know Avestan and Sanskrit in order to read the verses of the Gathas.

Zoroastrians may learn a number of unique spells available only to them.

Sufi Dervish

You gain proficiency with any melee martial weapons wielded one-handed as long as you are not also wielding a shield. You gain your proficiency bonus to Intimidation and Medicine checks.

The Sufi may learn a number of unique spells available only to them, known as trances. A Dervish can only maintain one such trance at a time.

Kabbalist Mystic

Kabbalism is a magic of the written word. Kabbalists  automatically  know Hebrew, as well as a number of ancient languages equal to their INT bonus chosen from a list of ancient languages.

You are proficient with light armor. You gain your proficiency bonus to History and Medicine checks. You may read (but not speak) Hebrew as well as one from the list of arcane languages.

Kabbalists may learn a number of unique spells available only to them.

class.1575067035.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/11/29 22:37 by andrew