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Several magical archetypes have spells that allow a spellcaster to view another mortal's aura, sometimes called their chakra. An aura is a colored emanation said to enclose a human body or any animal or object. Magical practitioners have the ability to see the size, color and type of vibration of an aura.

GMs are invited to describe the aura a spellcaster sees, and allow them to piece together what is going on with the mortal they are viewing.

Aura Colors

  • Deep red: Grounded, strong will power, survival oriented
  • Dark red: Anger
  • SHADES OF RED ~ Deep Red – strong willed, grounded, survival, realistic. Muddy Red: anger. Clear Red: powerful, sensual, passionate, energetic, competitive. Orange Red: confidence. Bright Pink: sensual, artistic, affection, love, sensitive, compassion, can indicate clairaudience. Dark Muddy Pink: dishonesty, immaturity.
  • Clear red: Energetic, competitive, sexual, passionate
  • Orange: Vitality, vigor, creative, stamina, courageous
  • SHADES OF ORANGE ~ Orange Yellow: intelligence, detail oriented, scientific, creative, perfectionist. Brownish Orange: low level of ambition, lazy or just repressed emotion.
  • Orange-yellow: Scientific, detail oriented, perfectionist
  • Yellow: Creative, playful, identity, awareness, power, knowledge, curiosity
  • SHADES OF YELLOW ~ Pale Yellow: psychic and spiritual awareness, optimism, hopefulness, positivity. Bright Yellow: fear of losing control, respect, power struggles and control personally and in business. Clear Metallic Gold: spirituality activated, inspirational awakening. Dark Muddy Yellow Gold: fatigue and stress from studying or trying to learn everything all at one time.
  • Yellow-green: Passionate, communicative
  • Green: Nature, growth, balance, love,
  • Muddy Forest Green – jealousy, victim, blaming others, insecurity, sensitive to criticism, lacking personal responsibility.
  • Dark green: Jealousy, low self-esteem, resentment
  • TURQUOISE ~ Pertains to the immune system. It is a sensitive, compassionate aura, that of a healer or a therapist.
  • Blue: Cool, calm, sensitive, expression
  • SHADES OF BLUE ~ Light Blue: peacefulness, clarity, intuitive, truthful. Royal Blue: clairvoyance, very spiritual, generous, open to new opportunities. Muddy Blue: fear of expression, future, speaking the truth.
  • Dark blue: Fear of self-expression
  • Indigo: Intuitive, visionary, clear minded
  • LAVENDER ~ This color denotes vision, imagination and daydreaming.
  • Violet: Visionary, divine wisdom, enlightenment
  • Silver: Abundance, nurturing
  • SHADES OF SILVER ~ Bright Metallic Silver: nurturing, intuitive, new ideas. Muddy Gray: accumulation of fear in the body, health problems when seen in certain areas of the body. Dirty Gray Overlay: pertains to the blocking of energy, guarded, skepticism.
  • Bright pink: Sensitive, artistic, affection, compassion, purity
  • Dark pink: Immature, dishonest
  • Gold: Enlightenment, wisdom, intuitive thinker
  • White: Purity, unity, transcendent
  • Shades of White: Dirty Grayish White: possible illness.
  • Black: Pertains to pulling, capturing and transforming energy. Indicates an unforgiving nature (to self or others), past life problems, unreleased anger, grief or health problems.
  • BROWN ~ Greedy, self-absorbed, close-minded.
  • SHADES OF BROWN ~ Dirty Brown Overlay: holds on to negative energy, insecurity.
  • EARTH TONES ~ Pertains to colors of the soil, wood, minerals, plants. These important and good grounding colors can be seen in those who work outdoors, such as in farming.
  • RAINBOW ~ Rainbow stripes emanating as beams of light from the hand, head or body can indicate a healer.
  • PASTELS ~ Pertains to sensitivity and a need for serenity. They are seen as soft blends of light and color.

Aura Vibrations

  • Calm - The target's feelings are repressed, or old
  • Dancing - The feelings come and go, wheeling between poles
  • Coursing - The target's feelings are toward those the aura points toward, particularly in cases of rage, jealousy, or attraction
  • Pulsing - The target's feelings are very close to the surface
  • Ragged - There is something mad or sick with respect to this aura
  • Rippling - The target's aura is manifest and active, driven directly at a target
  • Solid - The target is either an inanimate object, or an unfeeling being without emotion
  • Swirling - The target's aura is pulling other feelings and vibrations from other nearby mortals

Aura Configurations

  • Beside - A shadowy aura that stands beside the main aura indicating self-doubt, inner questioning, or perhaps hidden spiritual possession
  • Boundary - A thick, blotchy boundary to the aura indicates a stoic, blocked posture
  • Brooding - An aura that vibrates calmly, but it continually juts out and back in, ready to explode at any moment indicates some sort of inner turmoil or conflict
  • Denial - An aura jutting out at odd angles indicates a deceptively defensive posture, ready to defend or flee
  • Display - When an aura fizzing and burning closely indicates an offensive but careful posture
  • Expressing - A swirling and roiling aura indicates an offensive but friendly posture
  • Grasping - An aura reaching out toward another indicates an attacking or actively manipulative posture
  • Hooked - If a target's aura appears to hang limply indicates that the target is being actively manipulated by another either magically or socially
  • Hysterical - An aura with plain bald spots with and random crackles of energy indicates that the target is not quite aware of the situation, or they are unclear of what their reaction should be in the case due to confusion or madness
  • Spined - A curved, spiny aura indicates an aggressive posture, ready to strike
  • Tentacled - The aura indicates a deceptive and possibly aggressive posture when it branches and reaches out in tentacles from the target
  • Withdrawing - A tight, withdrawing aura indicates a defensive posture, perhaps ready to flee physically or figuratively from confrontation

auras.1584538938.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/03/18 13:42 by andrew