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Alassandro the Amazing

Italian Adept (conjurer)
AC: 10 (no armor) HD 1 HP
Resistance: 13;
Mods: W-2/N+2/S+3
Speed: 30';
Morale: +2
Stealth +2, Perception +3, Arcana +3
Attack, Melee: -2; Damage: 1d6 (dagger)
Attack, Ranged: +2; Damage: 1d8 (hunting bow)
Spell Casting Roll: +3
Spells: 3 cantrips, 1 level-1 spell
Cantrips: flickerheat, ghostly hand, ghost sight
Level 1 spell: Fulmination
S-2, D+2, C-2, I+3,W+3,Ch+2

alassandro.1608143741.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/12/16 18:35 by andrew