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This game will use the conceit that all party members already know one another. Even if they have only briefly met, they should be aware of one another by reputation well before joining the narrative. If player characters grow to have animosity between them later in the game, that's another story.

At character creation, every new player character should have an accord with at least two other player characters in the game. That way, there is a level of comfort and cohesion within the group to help get things started. Together, each pair of players should choose an accord from the list below, or come up with their own.

  • They have shared stories at a tavern (Determine what the stories were about)
  • Both worked together in an unrelated job (Decide which job it was, how much you may have been paid, and what you spent that money on)
  • The two player characters share a common NPC acquaintance (Decide who that NPC is and how they feel about both of you)
  • They met casually but didn't put the name with the face until after they parted (Describe the reputation the other PC has, and why that reputation didn't quite fit when you both met)
  • While shopping, both wanted to buy the same unique item (Decide what the item was, and where you both met)
  • Met over a common interest or field of study (Figure out what that interest or field may be)
  • Met while traveling and shared a campsite (Determine where you were traveling and why)
  • Met in dire circumstances and relied on each other to survive (Figure out the circumstances and how you made it out without too much harm)
  • Met a long time ago and now are reunited comrades (Indicate how and where you met previously)
  • Met a long time ago as they are distant kin (Draw a rough family tree and determine where you both fit in)
accords.1582149711.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/02/19 22:01 by andrew