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Temple of Nerthuz in Wheatabix

Zerkwad has re-founded the Temple of Nerthuz in Wheatabix, by propping up the upkeep of temple guards and monks as well as installing a new priestess named Delicate Lily.

This organization is served by eight monks and eight guards (2HD Warriors). As long as Delicate Lilly spends her time at the temple running regular services, the upkeep of these guards and monks is paid for by the alms of the congregation of Wheatabix. Zerkwad continues to pay regular upkeep of Lilly to assure her service despite not regularly adventuring with the Cat Gang.

By controlling this temple within Wheatabix, Zerkwad hopes to manage to maintain the party's hold on Wheatabix.

temple_of_nerthuz.1657486646.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/07/10 20:57 by andrew