=====Good Time Charlie's Trading Post===== This place is as close to neutral ground among the [[horned_society_summary|Horned Society]], [[bandit_kingdoms_summary|Bandits]] and [[shield_lands_summary|Shieldlanders]] in [[trimarch|The Trimarch]] as there is. There is incredible supernatural terror about [[Good Time Charlie]] himself, as much as he seems to be a jolly fellow and pleasant host. The post consists of an old tower, into which no one except Charlie himself has ever been seen to enter, a large inn, several barns and storage buildings and the general store/pawnshop/trading desk. There are about [[Charlie Employees|20 inhabitants/employee]]s, half are halflings, one quarter half orcs and one quarter humans. The shelves can be a shopping bonanza for those looking to [[buying|buy]] or [[selling|sell]] in the Trimarch. Apart from readily available ordinary food and drink, almost anything woth up to 1000gp (magic items excepted) might be present. |cost of desired item| chance that it's in stock| number on shelf| |<10gp| 90%|1d8| |10-20gp|80%| 1d6| |21-50gp|50%| 1d4| |51-75gp| 40%| 1d3| |76-100gp|25%|1d2| |101-500gp|10%|1| |501-1000gp| 1%|1| However, one buys at his own risk at Charlie's. There is a 1 in 6 chance that the first time one uses an item bought from Charlie's "for real" it will break or otherwise not function properly. Also, it is quite likely that the item may have been looted by Bandits or Horned Society goons before being sold here. Charlie's is also a place to sell off loot of various kinds. It will buy metal ingots at face value, and most looted weaponry, armor, horses, bulk food and drink, and herbal and alchemical products at 1/3 list price. They generally won't buy gems, jeweled items, books or spices. They generally won't shell out more than 1000gp in a single week.