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  • History seeds for the Batman mythos
  • Fake city
  • Real-world depression economics
  • Rise of Nazis
  • Blood and guts
  • Fast and furious


  • Actual superheroes (Wolverine wouldn't work)
  • Overpowered superheroes
  • Reincarnation - When you're dead you're dead, unless you aren't but instead stuck in a deathtrap Reply as hard as it is to die in Savage Worlds, this shouldn't come up all that much, but I'm with you


  • How do we handle racism? It is easy when it is elves, but I'm uncomfortable using real-world epithets (even for bad guys) at the table.
  • —-Suggestion: be guided by the pulps/comics/movies, there aren't a lot of epithets thrown around (except for Chinese super villains I guess) and we take no trips to Africa. We should be fine.

* How much technology? Is the technology level an anachronism? –Suggestion all anachronistic technology must be handled using the Weird Science Rules. I suppose we need a gear list. I have a basic one from the game Daredevils to use as a model. I also have the Savage Worlds Pulp Toolkit which has rules for airplanes, zeppelins, and mystic artifacts. * For that matter, do we perhaps ADD anachronism?

* What about magic? Psionics?  My thought is that we allow the various Arcane Backgrounds, but only Weird Science can do the powers that cause physical damage to targets.  
palette.1476362627.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/03/04 13:17 (external edit)