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Religious Organizations

Gotham is home to hundreds of houses of worship. Most are Christian mixed about evenly between Protestant and Catholic, but there are quite a number of Synagogues and a few Mosques. Here's a list of some of the more notable congregations in Gotham.

New Life Church

This Protestant congregation doesn't have a location of its own. Instead, it rents space throughout the city staging “revivals” wherein they invite the old or infirm to experience “rebirth” as a follower of Theodore Brown a self-styled returned Messiah. He regularly asks to be called “The Teacher” by his flock. While many dismiss Brown for his quackery there are many followers who have adopted a cultish devotion to the new messiah and have pledged to do anything he asks. They'll give him their money, their children, or even their lives. Some speak of unthinkable atrocities committed in the closed ceremonies the congregation puts on wherein “The Teacher” cements his domination over his faithful followers.

THE ARCHDIOCESE OF GOTHAM Cardinal Romano is the scrupulously honest Roman Catholic archbishop of Gotham. He has been in the forefront of those calling for reform and new action against crime. He has one blindspot, however, he refuses to see the important place that his Italian-American parishioners have in the criminal problem and is quick to make excuses for them.

church.1476648527.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/03/04 13:15 (external edit)