=====Session Logs===== //After action reports of the game sessions// {{ ::session_1_-_the_saviors_soaring.pdf |Session 1}} - **The Saviors Soaring:** The team fights counterfeiters and the Roachman {{ ::session_2--fashionably_dead.pdf |Session 2}} - **Fashionably Dead:** The team fights the Mafia and the Communists to save the leaders of the Fashion District {{ :session3-thevolunteergirl.pdf |Session 3}} - **The Volunteer Girl:** Her role in the science was significantly different than she thought {{ ::session_4--the_fall_of_cobblepot_tower.pdf |Session 4}} -**The Fall of Cobbelpot Tower:** Gangsters destroy a building as part of a grand real estate swindle, they can't be allowed to succeed {{ :session5-iceofnight.pdf |Session 5}} - **Ice of Night:** The heroes race to prevent a conspiracy before it’s too late {{ ::session_6--the_book_of_frankenstein.pdf |Session 6}} - **The Book of Frankenstein:** Nazis and Cultists vie for possession of the secret super science manual of Doctor Victor Frankenstein {{ ::session_7--dagon_s_best_adventure.pdf |Session 7}} - **Dagon's Best:** Sister Maria is killed fighting over gold and fish {{ :session8-bodycount.pdf |Session 8}} - **Bodycount:** A kidnapping with a ransom turns out to be a quick way to raise capital for a larger plot that is already underway {{ :session_9--the_doom_that_took_grimsby.pdf |Session 9}} - **The Doom that Took Grimsby:** The Victorian Legion had defeated a supernatural horror 36 years ago, but it didn't stay defeated {{ :session10-queenoffate.pdf |Session 10}} - **Queen of Fate:** A mystery woman plots to assassinate one of Gotham's most important families {{ :session_11_fall_of_a_house_of_pleasence_135_.pdf |Session 11}} - **Fall of 'A' House of Pleasance:** Our heroes must keep a building full of monsters from exploding {{ ::session_12--best_served_hot.pdf |Session 12}} - **Best Served Hot:** An arsonist supervillain seeks revenge against the team. R.I.P. Puma Man {{ ::session13-adayofrabidcontempt.pdf |Session 13}} - **A Day of Rabid Contempt:** Gotham’s villainous gangs, sensing that their way of life is in peril take desperate steps to remain in business {{ ::session_14--father_son_and_holy_ghost.pdf |Session 14}} - **The Father, Son and Holy Ghost:** The complete defeat and destruction of the Wound Ravens gang is soured by the death of Sweater Vest and eight henchmen {{ ::session_15--death_race_34.pdf |Session 15}} - **Death Race 34:** The team extracts Dr. Maelstrom from Mexico and rushes to stop Dr. Shinn's evil scheme in a climax in which Ramrod is slain {{ :session_16_-_vintage_flayings.pdf |Session 16}} - **Vintage Flayings:** The team glimpses the apocalyptic far future of 1968 only to return to fix the past {{ :session_17_-_creeping_doom_of_the_immortal.pdf |Session 17}} - **Creeping Doom of the Immortal:** The team saves Gotham from the zombie apocalypse {{ ::session_18--i_hate_new_jersey_nazis...and_crab_people.pdf |Session 18}} - **I hate New Jersey Nazis...and Crab People:** The Philosophical Ascent to Atlantis activates a teleportation device sending the team to an abandoned Atlantean base full of Crab People {{ ::session_19--where_i_wanna_be_she_may_be.pdf |Session 19}} - **Where I Wanna Be, She May Be:** The team defeats the Philosophical Ascent to Atlantis once and for all {{ ::session20.pdf |Session 20}} - **All Your Base:** Team C defends their base against a full on assault from the forces of the underworld {{ :session21.pdf |Session 21}} - **The Committee:** The heroes learn the truth behind the Gotham City Restoration Project