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Dominant Terrain: poor grassland

Features: W3, W4, Obelisk Murok, Fortress Poltron, R14, R15, H3

This sparsely populated wasteland is covered with a scraggly grass called fork weed, because of its triple sharp points. Some goblin tribes live here since they find the weed barely palatable and the worms and centipedes about even more so. Dinosaurs are also known to lair here, since the herbovore varieties also can eat the fork grass..

The caravan road runs through the waste and two way stations and the commanding fortress Poltron guard the route.

Farther west are the ruins of Brode Scar, a ruined town which dates to the Sauric Age and has an evil reputation, and the ruins of Themisfarg a ruined complex of ancient age and unknown purpose.

Most interesting is the Obelisk Morok, a huge blank stone pillar carved with Sauric symbols of Chaos and rumored to be a direct contact point with the gods of Chaos. To tge North is the equally ancient Henge of the Wanderer which is tended by a close mouthed multi species band of fanatic priests.

z18.1632463923.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/09/24 06:12 by dave