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The Polychronopolis Campaign

The ancient, wealthy and wicked city of Polychronopolis is undergoing an upswing in prosperity and those with the will and the strength can wrest a fortune either within its walls or in ruin-strewn border zones, a region 200 by 200 miles. Do you dare cross swords with danger?

The campaign is designed as a true Sword and Sorcery sandbox. There is no big, bad evil to overcome, just lots of jerks and smaller, immediate evils. There is no pre-planned over-arching story, the story will be created by the players following their own goals.

Next Adventure

Next adventure, the heroes will travel North to Ruined Temple of the Bronze Elves in hopes of clearing out an easier set of ruins and finding artifacts desired by a Great House in the city.

However, if the party finds itself flush with six or more full members, they will head back to the Dungeon of Morthonk.

Campaign Map


start.1645732946.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/02/24 20:02 by andrew