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Ratter Thief - 3

Because Scamps is tough for a ratter, he thinks of himself as a fighter rather than a thief. Maybe a second-line fighter, but a melee combatant nonetheless with his spear. He is a proponent of social justice, and generally appreciates those who follow the rules of society. He enjoys the finer things in life, and is quite the connoisseur of rich foods such as wines and cheeses. However, Scamps' ratter blood sometimes gets the better of him. He's not above bending or breaking the social order to get what he wants.

Scamps is a fast friend of Mongo Junior and Gorbo the Barbarian and always wants to adventure with them because they are so cool.

GEAR Items: Lamellar Armor with leather helmet, thief's tools, short sword, bandoleer (3 daggers), skin (2 pints of beer), money pouch, food bag (7 days' iron rations), spear.

Non Items: 2 sets of clothing, 1 belt, flint and steel, scabbards for any knives, daggers or swords, 1 pair of boots, 1 backpack, 2 large sacks.

scamps.1632880490.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/09/29 01:54 by andrew