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Here are all corrections/clarifications to all rules in the officially promulgated rule books.

Book 1: Hacklords and Hex Mastery

page 21, Mystic Reserve Skill: the phrase “in time of need” means “while in combat” or “facing injury, loss of life or capture within the next 1-2 rounds.”

page 56, FLAMES (first level magic-user spell) Range should read 10' not 1.

Book 4: What Things You Can Buy

page 4: Weapon Chart: the Arming Sword covers any other sort of one-handed sword such as a saber, scimitar, spatha, cutlass; The Bastard Sword is also known as the “Brode Sode.”

page 21: Metal Box for 1 Book: Encumbrance should read “1” not “10”

rules_errata.1633111499.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/10/01 18:04 by dave