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Romeo of Portburg

Human Fighter - 3
Lawful - Initiate of Lady Knowledge

Romeo is a kind and thoughtful fighter from an isolated neighborhood in Portburg, hoping to make a fortune to return and marry his sweetheart Julietta. He aspires to be like his grandfather Mercurio, a renowned Bravo of Taurus who was lost in the Dungeon of Morthonk while searching for clues to the location of the Loc-Nar over twenty years ago. He is the closest thing to a paladin of order one can find in this fallen continent.

STR 15 (+1 to hit +1 to damage) CON 17 (+2 hp/level) DEX 15 (+1 to hit) INT 15 (extra skill) WIS 15 (+1 to saves) CHA 13

Skills: First Aid, Quick Draw, Shield Sacrifice, Too Stubborn to Die

HP 20 AC 10 (Chain Armor & DEX) Move 25' (Armored)

XP 5500. GOLD 75

Items: Chain Armor

Non Items: Two sets of clothing, belt, flint and steel, scabbards for any knives, daggers or swords, pair of boots, backpack, two large sacks.

Items Carried:

romeo.1633531817.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/10/06 14:50 by andrew