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Dave N.

What dare anyone say about any Knobulous? He is a master of the art of shadow and hue, and veritable artist in the manipulation of the senses.

Knobulous Phantasmo has taken it as his personal mission to show that Law and Chaos are both just words that mean “chumps”, and Knobulous Phantasmo has no patience for chumps. Anyone who follows either path has no right to spend Mother Earth's precious gold.

Gnome, magic-user (illusionist), level 3, Neutral
Initiate of the Wanderer

STR 10. INT 15. WIS 9. DEX 10. CON 10. CHA 10

Skills: bolt and cast, mystic reserve, bibliophile

Hp 12. AC 10

Xp 5500. Gold 6

Spell book
Specialized: illusion
Forbidden: structure, perception

Level 1: read magic, circle of protection, disguise, sleep, fear, concealing fog, invisible chuggins

Level 2: brew potion, mind reading, invisibility

Items: Component Bag, quiver and 12 darts, dagger, bandoleer (acid, 4 military oil ) Alchemist kit (5 mighty cigars); Food Bag (7 days iron rations), Money Pouch, Wine Skin (2 wine)

Non-Items:2 sets of clothing, 1 belt, flint and steel, scabbards for any knives, daggers, 1 pair of boots, 1 backpack, 2 large sacks.

Items Carried: 8 Max 10 Move: 25' (normal)

knobulous_phantasmo.1632852084.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/09/28 18:01 by dave