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Dave N.

Gnome, magic-user (illusionist), level 3, Neutral
Initiate of the Wanderer

STR 10. INT 15. WIS 9. DEX 10. CON 10. CHA 10

Skills: bolt and cast, mystic reserve, bibliophile

Hp 12. AC 10

Xp 5500. Gold 6

Spell book
Specialized: illusion
Forbidden: structure, perception

Level 1: read magic, circle of protection, disguise, sleep, fear, concealing fog, invisible chuggins

Level 2: brew potion, mind reading, invisibility

Items: Component Bag, quiver and 12 darts, dagger, bandoleer (acid, 4 military oil ) Alchemist kit (5 mighty cigars); Food Bag (7 days iron rations), Money Pouch, Wine Skin (2 wine)

Non-Items:2 sets of clothing, 1 belt, flint and steel, scabbards for any knives, daggers, 1 pair of boots, 1 backpack, 2 large sacks.

Items Carried: 8 Max 10 Move: 25' (normal)

knobulous_phantasmo.1632851808.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/09/28 17:56 by dave