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Classes Permitted: Fighter, Magic-User, Cleric
Size: Medium, 1d6 HD
Move: 30’
Stat Mods: +1 WIS, -2 CHA
Vision: Dark Vision
Special Advantages: Hear Noise

Goblins, Hobgoblins and Bugbears are different varieties of the same humanoid species. Their faces are twisted and uneven, their skin is rough and an orange, yellow or greenish hue. Hobgoblins are the middle sized ones, standing between 5 and 6 feet. All three sorts are nearly all given over to the Chaotic alignment, but Neutral and Lawful renegades can be found. The Goblinoids have excellent Dark Vision from living underground. Hobgoblins have more cunning and foresight, but both types have a reputation for unpleasantness. Hobgoblins are known for their keen hearing.

Hobgoblins in the Region:
Hobgoblins are the smartest and most ambitious of the Goblinoids and can be found outside of the wilderness Goblin tribes trying to make their mark as mercenaries and as members of wizard guilds and chaos cults even in the city itself. They have sufficiently master etiquette and table manners to such a degree that the best of them even mingle in city high society. Nevertheless, even if they've mastered the techniques of etiquette, they very often give off the vibe of being phony-baloney fakers.

hobgoblin.1632314364.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/09/22 12:39 by dave