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Zone Encounters:

Each day of normal travel, exploration or rest in an outdoor area of a zone results in the Judge drawing 1 card from an ordinary playing card deck for the day time, 1 card for the night. IF the characters are being chased or followed, or they are in a particularly danger, the Judge may increase the number of cards to 2 per day and/or night. These cards will be interpreted as follows:

SPADES: Obstacle:
Number: some trouble slows you down, number times EDL for likely delay in hours
Face Card: serious slow down, EDL plus 1d6 days.

HEARTS: Helpful:
Number: peddlers, farmers, pixies, friendly folk could help general problems
Face Card: NPC with help for current mission or distress

Number: chance to make some money EDL times number on card x10gp, will take 1 hour per number on the card.
Face Card: chance to make big score, 1000gp x EDL, will divert for 1d4 days

CLUBS: Fight!
Number: pick random card from Zone deck or EDL deck
Face Card: pick 2-3 cards from Zone deck or EDL deck or 1-2 levels higher

City and Town Encounters:

Each 4 hour period of active adventuring action in a City Ward or one of the Towns, draw one card. If the characters are being chased or are in conflict or competition with rivals, draw 2. No cards are drawn if characters are not involved in an adventure in the town or city.

There are 3 encounter decks for City Ward fights, Deck A is for “ordinary” wards, Deck B is for trouble-prone Ratburg, and Deck C is for the elite or upper class wards.

SPADES: Obstacle:
Number: some trouble slows you down, number times EDL for likely delay in hours
Face Card: serious slow down, EDL plus 1d6 days.

HEARTS: Helpful:
Number: ordinary townsfolk who could help general problems
Face Card: NPC with help for current mission or distress

Number: chance to make some money EDL times number on card x10gp, will take 1 hour per number on the card.
Face Card: chance to make big score, 1000gp x EDL, will divert for 1d4 days

CLUBS: Fight!
Number: pick random card from Ward or Town deck or EDL deck
Face Card: pick 2-3 cards from Ward or Town deck or EDL deck or 1-2 levels higher

encounter_system.1632590457.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/09/25 17:20 by dave