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Emrys Borealis

Class/Level: Magic-User – 3
⇒ Specialist Mage – Realm of Protection
Species: Human
Alignment: Neutral – The Wanderer Initiate

Str: 0
Dex: 0
Con: 0
Wis: 0
Cha: 0

+1 attack bonus
+2 to saving throws against Spells and magic

Languages: Common, +INT above 10
Skills: Alchemy, Mystic Reserve, Bibliophile
Combat Maneuvers: Charge, Parry, Fighting Withdraw

AC: 10 (cannot cast spells in armor)
HP: 6+2d6
Move: 30'

Weapons: Allowed weapons: fist, baton, club, staff, knife, dagger, silver dagger, darts

Magic Item Creation: (bolded available)
* Scrolls – Read Magic
* Potions – Brew Potions
* Spell Book – Prepare Spell Book
* Magic Wand – Create Wands
* Permanent Magic Item – Create Permanent Magic Item

Gear: Component Bag, Spell Book, 2 sets of clothing, 1 belt, scabbards for any knives, daggers, or swords, 1 money pouch, 1 wine skin with 2 pints of wine, beer or water, 1 pair of boots, 1 backpack, 2 large sacks, and 1 Food Bag with 7 days of iron rations. Only the Food Bag, Money Pouch and Wine Skin (if they have contents) count as an Item for encumbrance purposes

Spells: 4 - 1st level spells & 2 - 2nd level spells
No summoning or necromancy spells

Spell Book:
Level 1:
* Air Shield
* Circle of Protection
* Detect Magic
* Protection from Law/Chaos
* Read Magic
* Shocking Grip
* Sleep
Level 2:
* Brew Potions
* Mind Reading
* Protection from Normal Missiles

XP: 5500/10000
* Starting XP: 5500

Gold: 0
* Starting Gold: WISx10
* Initial Shopping: -25g (Component Bag)

emrys_borealis.1631666427.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/09/15 00:40 by quinton