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The Elves have a truly ancient magical civilization located in sylvan hideaways and hidden by ancient magics. Elves generally look like slender, willowy humans with pointed ears and bright eyes. They have a lifespan of many centuries and so almost all of them have at least 1 level in a character class. Despite their long-lifespans, elves are rather frail overall. High Elves are the ancient nobility of the species and lord over secret castles far from the sight of ordinary creatures and are divided into three kindreds : the Golden Elves (aligned with Law), the Bronze Elves aligned with Neutrality) and the Silver Elves (aligned with Chaos) . The bulk of the elves are Wood Elves who live in forest encampments surrounding the High Elven fortresses. Half-elves are people with both human and elf ancestry, and there are even whole small communities made up of half-elves of long mixed lineage. The Elves (but not Half Elves) have excellent Dark Vision arising from their equally diurnal and nocturnal lifestyle. Their keen senses makes it easy for High Elves and Half-elves to detect secret doors, sometimes when not even trying, but Wood Elves instead are able to use the Move Silently skill. Most NPC Wood Elves who are magic-users are Natural Talents who do not use a spell book. Most NPC High Elves and Half-elves who are magic-users are standard Magic-Users and do use a spell book. Elves and Half-elves are also immune to the paralyzing effect of ghouls (but not to other sorts of paralysis) and gain a +2 on saves vs. all Sleep and Charm spells, even gaining a saving throw against such magic when the spell indicates they shouldn’t.

elf_wood.1630529253.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/09/01 20:47 by dave