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Castle Dyr was built with the help of the MARCHER LORD of Chronos some 30 years ago as an attempt to provide a lower-cost way to help protect the caravan road. Dyr Burachek was given the land as a benefice/fief as long as he and his descendants maintained the road, helped supply the way stations and protected the caravans.

Dyr's grandson Baron Hunric Burachek is a little resentful at the cost of this work, not being able to balance against the land-grant and the tax-free status of the land.

The castle has a clear view of the road as it passes through the farmland, and the road passes directly through the village of Dyr, the largest village in the fiefdom.

There are about 12,000 people living in the fiefdom. Baron Burachek maintains nearly 500 soldiers to protect his land, support the way stations, and most importantly, hire out to wealthy merchants in need of muscle. The baron has 1000 chosen inhabitants in his part-time “Home Guard” that he pays only when he has training session, or when he calls them up for duty. He doesn't trust none-guardsmen with weapons beyond daggers, staffs or clubs.

dyr.1632418104.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/09/23 17:28 by dave