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Classes Permitted: Fighter, Cleric
Size: Large, 1d8 HD
Move: 35’
Stat Mods: +1 DEX, -1 WIS, -1 CHA
Vision: Dark Vision
Special Advantage: Move Silently

Goblins, Hobgoblins and Bugbears are different varieties of the same humanoid species. Their faces are twisted and uneven, their skin is rough and an orange, yellow or greenish hue. Bugbears are by far the largest, being between 61/2 and 7 feet tall. All three sorts are nearly all given over to the Chaotic alignment, but Neutral and Lawful renegades can be found.

The Goblinoids have excellent Dark Vision from living underground. Bugbears are tall and lanky, known for their speed and stealth. Because of their large size, Bugbears can use Large melee weapons, except pikes, bills and halberds, in 1 hand and still use a shield. Because of their large size, any suit of armor that will fit a Bugbear will cost double normal price and they cannot ride horses. XC Bugbears will have 3 HD.

Bugbears in the Region Tribes of Bugbears can be found in various forests and hill areas across the region. In the settled regions, Bugbears are seem as “dangerous bumpkins” and not to be trusted unless clearly working for someone respectable.

bugbear.1630528089.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/09/01 20:28 by dave