W1--First Way-Station



This is the way-station on the caravan route that lies closest to Polychronopolis. It is about 15 miles south of the city, but is usually the first stop on a trip, since it lies at the top of the first set of hills.

The First Station is notorious for the so-called Nasty Village, 300-400 yards away from the station-grounds, that is crammed with gambling, cheap drinks and prostitution. Nasty Village is run by Hobgoblin Ludwig who goes out of his way to keep raiders and caravan-thieves out of the village, and to give cash gifts and juicy info to the King's Agent at the station, in order to keep in business.

The King's Agent at First Station is William of Groundburg, the fifth son of some northern big-wig. He's actually rather efficient and good at his job, if bored out of his mind. The garrison captain is Captain Junker the Fearsome, a Trollson mercenary with only one leg and one eye, who is perpetually angry.