There are many gods across the sweep of the multiverse, but a certain range of them are worshipped in the Border Zones and are available for players to become clerics or initiates thereof.

The Lawful Gods
Also called “The Lords of Order”, the Lawful gods appeared out of the Infinite coming to oppose Chaos and help mortals achieve better lives and salvation of their souls.

GodAbility ScoreSpell Type
Lord Protector STR Combat
Lady Mercy CHA Healing
Lord Bounty CON Blessing
Lady Knowledge INT Divine Will
The Doom-Speaker WIS Law
The Choir of Saints DEX Protection

The Neutral Gods
The neutral gods are members of the race of giants known as the Titans who have become living embodiments of natural forces and the world consciousnes.

GodAbility ScoreSpell Type
Father Sky STR Divine Will
Mother Earth WIS Protection
Mistress Flame DEX Combat
Master of Waters CON Practical
The Wanderer INT Neutrality
The Ancestors CHA Healing

The Chaotic Gods

The gods of chaos are demonic entities of immense power who have emerged from the deep Abyss into the near Hells in order to wreck, dominate or devour the Wide World.

GodAbility ScoreSpell Type
Queen of Witches INT Practical
Slaughter King STR Combat
King of Demons WIS Divine Will
Queen of Madness CHA Cursing
Eternal Feaster CON Chaos
Ancient Spirits of Evil DEX Protection