Classes Permitted: Cleric, Fighter
Size: M. 1d6HD
Move: 30'
Stat Mods: +1 CON, -1 INT
Vision: Normal
Special Advantage: Hide in Forest

The Lizardo are a species of bipedal reptilian humanoids, descended from the members of the ancient Sauric civilization. They currently live in primitive tribal communities in the deserts, jungles and swamps of the world. While today they are ignorant of the building arts and of arcane magic, it seems that in the distant past they had a complex civilization with deep arcane knowledge. Lizardo have normal daylight vision, being largely diurnal. They usually live as hunter-gatherers, with some clerical shaman offering the help of the gods. Lizardo all have the Hide in Forest Skill, which also works in the desert or marsh for them. Non-classed Lizardo have 2 HD. Lizardo are about evenly divided among Neutral and Chaotic alignments. Because of their tails and weird smell, Lizardo cannot ride horses.

Lizardo in the Region:
As the once ruled over this region in a frenzy of blood and terror, they can be found lurking nearly everywhere that hasn't been given over to large scale agriculture.