Gormling is the principal city and fortress of the Crimson Dwarves. There are about 15,000 of them living here, about half of whom could carry arms in defense. The bulk of the town is below ground, but there are various towers and cunningly fortified crags outside. It is easy to locate because of the constant smoke from its forges.

The city is ruled by the hereditary Red Duke of Gormling, Krag-Buster III, an exceptionally greedy and cruel lord who is rumored to have sold his soul to the KING OF DEMONS for gold.

Shopping in Gormling: Gormling is so hostile and crabby place that visitors, who are kept in a shabby compound outside of town, must make a list of items they want and give it to the “Town Agents” to fill. A day-trip list of purchases of up to 50gp each can be made, but the town agents charge a 50% commission. Any metalwork item, including masterwork arms and armor can be found through the Town Agents too, regardless of price, but with the same commission. To find other items roll 45% to see if it is available (one check per week).