=====W2--The Second Way-Station===== [[edl|ENCOUNTER DIFFICULTY LEVEL]]--5 [[z12|ZONE 12: THE BORDER COUNTRY]] The second station is a long 23 miles from [[Dyr|Castle Dyr]] along the [[way_stations|Caravan Road]]. Perhaps because it's the station that's first or last from any sort of civilization on the north end of the road, it has a reputation for bad luck. Soldiers are more likely to desert from this station than any others. The King's Agent is a Catter named Tibbles von Mouser, and if it weren't for debts to some tough hombres that he's managing to keep up the payments on by working here, he'd be long gone. The garrison captain is a fierce warrior woman named Lynda Tallwic, who surmises that "men just want to keep her out of the real action."