{{ :ef384fc13a3beac369343b60d508f9b6.jpg?400|}} ====== Emrys Borealis ====== **Class/Level:** Magic-User – 3\\ => Specialist Mage – Realm of Protection\\ **Species:** Human\\ **Alignment:** Neutral – The Wanderer Initiate\\ **Str:**11\\ **Dex:**16\\ **Con:**16\\ **Int:**18\\ **Wis:**11\\ **Cha:**10\\ +1 attack bonus\\ +2 to saving throws against Spells and magic\\ +1 to hit w/ missiles\\ **Languages:** Common, Elvish, Dwarfish, Orcish, Ogre, Catterish, Doggish, Gnomish, Goblin \\ **Skills:** Alchemy, Mystic Reserve, Bibliophile, Bolt and Cast\\ **Combat Maneuvers:** Charge, Parry, Fighting Withdraw\\ AC: 10 (cannot cast spells in armor)\\ HP: 21 (+1hp/level)\\ Move: 30' \\ Saving Throw: 14\\ Skill Check: d4\\ Weapons: Allowed weapons: fist, baton, club, staff, knife, dagger, silver dagger, darts\\ - Quarterstaff - 1d6, 2 handed, medium, disarm\\ - Dart quiver w/ 12 darts – 1d4, 1 handed, small, 20/40/60\\ - 2 daggers – 1d4, 1 handed, small, fast draw, hurled, anti-mail (+1 hit scale or chain)\\ - Silver dagger - 1d4, 1 handed, small, fast draw, hurled, anti-mail (+1 hit scale or chain)\\ Gear:\\ - Component bag\\ - Spell book \\ - Alchemist kit (20)\\ - Backpack (8) – 2 sets of clothing and a pair of boots\\ - Baldric (3) – 2 daggers, silver dagger\\ - Bandoleer – 1 pig oil, vial of acid \\ - Money pouch – no more than 200g on hand\\ - Large wine skin with 4 pints of wine\\ - 2 large sacks\\ - Food bag w/ 7 days iron rations\\ **Spells:** **5** - 1st level spells (+1) & **2** - 2nd level spells\\ No summoning or necromancy spells\\ **Spell Book**:\\ **Level 1:**\\ * Air Shield\\ * Circle of Protection\\ * Detect Magic\\ * Protection from Law/Chaos\\ * Read Languages\\ * Read Magic\\ * Shocking Grip\\ * Sleep\\ **Level 2:**\\ * Brew Potions\\ * Mind Reading\\ * Protection from Normal Missiles\\ **XP: 6270/10000**\\ * Starting XP: 5500\\ * Session Two: 625 XP + 145 gp = 770 XP + 5500 = 6270\\ **Gold: 54**\\ * Starting Gold: 110\\ * Initial Shopping: -109g (Component Bag, Alchemist Kit, bandoleer, twelve darts, dart quiver, silver dagger, two daggers, vial of acid) = 1\\ * Session Two: +145 gp treasure split -1 gp donation to Poor Brothers of Charity -1 gp for pig oil = 144\\ * Taurus Expenses and Shopping: -90 = 54\\