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z6 [2021/09/17 11:13] davez6 [2021/09/25 01:13] (current) dave
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 Dominant Terrain:  Mountains Dominant Terrain:  Mountains
-Features:  M1, M2, C1, C2, C3, R7+Features:  [[M1|M1]][[M2|M2]][[C1|C1]][[C2|C2]][[C3|C3]][[R7|R7]]
-These tall mountains are home to various clans of [[dwarf|Mountain Dwarves]] who engage in the mining of coal (cheaper hearthstone for heating, and more expensive dragonstone for forging) and metals (mostly iron and tin).  There is no central settlement of the dwarves, mostly from fear of attracting dragons, rather they live in smaller underground homesteads and  small clan fortresses.  +These tall mountains are home to various clans of [[dwarf|Mountain Dwarves]] who engage in the mining of coal (cheaper hearthstone for heating, and more expensive dragonstone for forging, which is only found in scattered small deposits) and metals (mostly iron and tin).  There is no central settlement of the dwarves, mostly from fear of attracting dragons, rather they live in smaller underground homesteads and  small clan fortresses.  
 [[M1|M1]]--The Great Buddy Mine: this is a large-scale mine for hearthstone coal. [[M1|M1]]--The Great Buddy Mine: this is a large-scale mine for hearthstone coal.
z6.1631877194.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/09/17 11:13 by dave