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Raoul the Rustic Herdsman

Player: Andrew
Frankish, Hermetic, Level-5
Hit Points: 30
Armor Class: 11 (Dex)

Str 10 (+0), Dex 13 (+1), Con 14 (+2), Int 20 (+5), Wis 13 (+1), Cha 7 (-2)

Proficiencies: Simple weapons, INT and CON checks, Create Scroll, Create Potion

Archetype Benefits:

Skills: Arcana, Investigation, Lore (Animals), Lore (Plants), Lore (Geography), Medicine, Persuasion, Stealth (taken at level 2)

Languages: Primary: Breton: Secondary: English
Ancient: Latin, Greek, Arabic, Hebrew, Sanskrit, Aramaic


Special Feature: Guts - You have seen it all. You make any checks to avoid Stress at advantage.

Stuff: Digesta Hermetica, Scrolls, Herbals, 2 x Holy Water, 2 x Lamp Oil, Two torches, Flint & Steel, Spell Components, Hunting Bow

Herbals: 5 x Comfrey Root Garlic, 2 x Woundwart, Felwart, Healing Salve


Background: It was told to Raoul at his 12th birthday that he descended from Joseph of Aramithea and is part of the Grail Family, related to Percival and Galahad of old. He may be called on one day to perform a service for the Grail. Raoul is immune to all diseases, including lycanthropy and tomb rot. He has leveraged his lore skills to masquerade as a simple farmer, but his intellect and education gives away his ruse that he is in fact a collector of occult lore.

Last Will and Testament: Raoul names his former roommate Skule Runar the Lege as his inheritor if he should pass.


Scribe Cottages:


Corruption: Raoul has at least one corruptor demon.

XP Log


Gold Log