=====FARMERS===== The farmer householders (about 1 in 10 of the total rural population) are part of the fighting strength of Nessex, Thorsland, Vinland and the other small settlements in the New World. Thus, their stats can be found on the [[Nessex Militia|Nessex Militia]], and [[Norse Bondar|Norse Bondar]] pages. Farm Laborers, the sons, brothers, and hired men on the householder's farms (another 3-4 in 10) are mostly 1 HD Laborers, who often have identical stats to the Militia/Bondar, but may be untrained laborers as follows: **FARM BOY (1/2 HD Laborer)** * AC: 10 HD 1/2 HP 2 * Resistance: 12 * Mods: W-2/N+2/S+2 * Speed: 30'; Load 12 * Morale: -2 * Stealth +2 Perception -2 * Attack, Melee: -2; Damage: by weapon * Attack:, Ranged -2, Damage: by weapon * S+2, D+2, C+2, I-2,W+2,Ch-2 **FARMER: WORKMAN (1 HD Laborer)** * AC: 10 HD 1 HP 5 * Resistance: 12 * Mods: W-2/N+2/S +3 * Speed: 30'; Load: 13 * Morale: -2 * Stealth +2 Perception -2 * Attack, Melee: -2; Damage: by weapon * Attack, Ranged: -2, Damage: by weapon * S+3, D+2, C+3, I-2,W+2,Ch-2