=====LEVEL 0 DUNGEON MONSTER ENCOUNTERS===== Roll 1d30 to determine monster type and numbers. If marked SP, check species chart at the bottom. If marked AL, check the alignment table below. 1-2: 1d2 Bandits AC 6\\ 3: 1 Clerics (level-1, SP/AL)\\ 4: 1d2 Giant Bats\\ 5: 1 Giant Beetles, (normal fire beetles)\\ 6: 1d2 Berserkers AC 6\\ 7-8: 1 Fighters AC 4 (level 1, SP/AL)\\ 9-10 1d4 Goblins AC 6\\ 11-12: 1d2 Hobgoblins AC 6\\ 13-14: 2d4 Kobolds AC 7\\ 15: 1d4 Militia AC 6, 1d6 hp SP/AL\\ 16: 1d6 Normals (SP/AL) AC 9\\ 17-18: 1d4 Orcs AC 6\\ 18: 1 Pixie\\ 19-20: 2d4 Giant Rats\\ 21-22: 1d4 Skeletons, Lesser\\ 23: 1 Skeleton, Greater\ 24: 1 Giant Spiders (normal)\\ 25: 1 Stirge\\ 26-27: 1 Thief (lvl 1) (SP/AL) AC 7\\ 28: 1 Giant Ticks (normal)\\ 29: 1d3 Wolves\\ 30: 1 Zombies\\ Species Table (1d12)\\ 1-2 Human\\ 3- Amazon\\ 4-5-Dwarf\\ 6-Elf\\ 7-Feline\\ 8-Gnome\\ 9-Halfling\\ 10-Half-elf\\ 11-12-Half-orc\\ Alignment Table (1d8)\\ 1: LG\\ 2: CG\\ 3-4: N\\ 5-6: LE\\ 7-8: CE\\