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In the early days of the UGH the Frontier was several sectors closer to the Core Planets. A Frontier Charter was granted by the Chamber of Colonization to Bartoli-Stellar-Development Company to place and maintain a deep-space exploration and survey station in the Thrandor Sector. Bartoli managed to make a thin profit on the station, but when the sector was incorporated as part of the Union much of its profits evaporated.

However, one of the partners in the company noticed that there was a clause in the charter that stated that the station could only be inspected or boarded with an order signed by the Colonial Manager of the Thrandor Frontier Zone. But, there were no more Colonial Managers of the Thrandor Frontier Zone, since Thrandor was now a full sector of the UGH outside of Colonial Frontier management. The Chamber of Justice and the Chamber of Colonization argued about it for some decades, but decided that rules were rules and so, no one could legally search or inspect the station.

The owning partners of the station (the old shareholders of Bartoli) decided to use the legal loophole to make some non-legal profits. For a century or two the station has gradually run down, making a narrow living for the owners. Recently, the current partners were killed in a suspicious shuttle explosion, and the “company” solicitor has tracked down their heirs (our heroes, the Space Bastards) and informed them that they are the new owners.

Recent History

In the current era, a group of scoundrels come into possession of the station because a relative or friend was one of the previous owners and named each of them in their wills as the new owners of this sad station. They all died in a mysterious shuttle explosion and their lawyer Slick Tyrone contacted them to travel and receive their inheritance.

Station NPCs

Station Crew a certain number of losers were employed by the previous Bastard Board who form a rickety support crew for the station.

Station Visitors there are some travelers who make visits to the station.

Sation Bums there are a mob of fugitive vagrants who scratch out a meager existence in the run down abandoned secrions of the station.

Possible Station Upgrades

  • Bastard Station starts with a small bio-fabricator
  • Shipyard
  • Laundry Brig
  • Additional Crew Quarters
  • Docks
  • Temple
  • Tavern
  • Accommodations for Travel
  • Theatre
  • Bordello
  • Defenses
  • Trade Facilities
  • Cybernetics Lab
  • Dojo
bastard_station.1662680538.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/09/08 23:42 by dave