Station Visitors

On official charts Bastard Station is listed as Abandoned, Derelict and Hazardous. Few people, therefore, come by unless they have some familiarity with its actual operations. The Space Cops are aware of the activities on the station but are unable to legally enter. The Contraband Alliance are also aware of the station, taking a cut of Hoorley's fugitive trade. The most common visitors are listed here.

Captain Hoorley owner of the tramp freighter Red Rash, makes a stop at the station every 10-20 days

Honest Pete runs a high stakes poker game that rotates onto the station every 90 days or so

Buscemi complains constantly while making regular stops at Bastard Station on his mail route between Thrandor Sector and the planets to the frontier because he can't afford to replace the failing FTL on his ancient courier ship Bug Zappr

Far Out Martha an independent ore surveyor who likes to stop at the station when passing back and forth to the frontier.

Patrol Captain Sour Roman a space cop who shows up from time to time and tries to get Space Loser Evans to let him dock, but even Evans ain't that lazy, drunk or stupid.