
World Status: Member World

Class: Class 3
Population: 2 Billion
Atmosphere: Human standard, but polluted from centuries of industry and neglect
Oceans: 50% of the planet

Export: Bio Cubes (low), Biomass (high)
Import: Mech Cubes (low), Power Cubes (high), Ore-mass (low), Data Cubes (low)

The Heat: 40%

This hive world was once a busy port of call exporting raw materials for use by the core worlds, but over the past century the planet's mineral ores have been stripped bare and the environment is beginning to make it harder to produce bio Cubes for interstellar trade. The population is too large to support the failing ecosystem and all the wealthy industrialists who once called Porgo home have left the planet for greener pastures.

This planet is a good source of cheap labor, and mercenary companies are always stopping by offering “too good to be true” contracts to the downtrodden and desperate farmers who are slowly dying along with their world. In game terms, basic recruits from this planet will work for half-price, but their Vigor and Smarts score would start one die lower.

Hive City Sigma is one of the larger metropolises on the planet. It is well known for its gladiatorial combination talent show and bloodsport matches which are transmitted across the planet and bootlegged throughout the sector.


Agility D8, Smarts D4, Spirit D6, Strength D6, Vigor D4
Toughness 4, Parry 5, Fighting D6