Corrigan Belt

World Status: Outpost

Class: 4 - Asteroids
Population: Less than 500
Atmosphere: None
Oceans: None

Export: Power Cubes (medium), Oremass (low)
Import: Data Cubes (low), Mech Cubes (low), Bio Cubes (low), Biomass (low)

This remote mining outpost is a meager source of power cubes from a mom and pop outfit known as Corrigan Materials run by Blake and Martin Corrigan. They are woefully out-produced and their prices are undercut by larger conglomerates in the area POWERCORP and MASSIVE GENERAL, and only stay in business because there isn't a good base station within light years that can supply regular power cubes.

They have recently seen some threatening pirate activity, stealing the few shipments of power cubes they have managed to produce. Many locals in the system and the scuttlebutt on Redwind is that the corporate powers are sponsoring these attacks to put Corrigan Materials out of business.