====== RAMSTEIN ====== Member World\\ Class: 1 (Poor)\\ Population: 100,000,000\\ Atmosphere: Heavy Particles (filter masks required)\\ Oceans: 0\\ Export: Ore-mass (high)\\ Import: Biomass (high) Bio Cubes (moderate), Data Cubes (moderate), Mech Cubes (moderate), Power Cubes (moderate)\\ The Heat: 90%\\ This world survives on exporting huge quantities of Ore-mass in exchange for Biomass which is chiefly made into unpalatable ration-proteins. The people are discontented and most would leave if they could. The System Administrator is Clancy Finkle, who holds the position because he had the largest amount of [[massive_general|MASSIVE GENERAL]] stock when the previous admin retired. The Representative to the Central Authority is Celia Vapid, the daughter of the mistress of the previous System Administrator. The true power on world is Dartly Ktumbe, Planetary Head of Security for Massive General, who aggressively squashes political dissent and any perceived threat to the operation of the mines. The most isolated and secure facility on the planet is the [[science patrol|Science Patrol's]] Home for Deranged Scientists, which houses dangerous thinkers where they can do no harm to the public.