=====HOPEWELL===== World Status: Member World\\ Class: 3--Agricultural\\ Population: 25 million \\ Atmosphere: human standard\\ Oceans: 65%\\ Export: Bio cubes (high), biomass (high)\\ Import: power cubes (moderate), data cubes (low), mech cubes (low)\\ The Heat: 33% (except for vice-related matters, then 80%) Hopewell is an agricultural world whose chief economic focus is mass export of bio cubes to the core planets. Biomass exports are more to the other planets of the sector. The population is made up of members of dozens of religious cults who have banded together here to freely practice their esoteric practices. The System Administrator is Space Bishop Todd III, who was chosen 15 years ago at a synod of all the sects. Hopewell has the largest colony of people affected by space-leprosy. This incurable infection affects the skin, eyes, nose and peripheral nerves. Symptoms include light colored or red skin patches with reduced sensation, numbness and weakness in hands and feet. It is thought to be caused by airborne droplets, so the colony is quarantined to its own desolate island, serviced by the humanitarian efforts of the general population.