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Sister Dominica


Human, Cleric-Militant-1, lawful—Pholtus (Furyondy)
Sz M, Mv 30, Save 17, Attack +0
S-13, I-14, W-14, D-10, Co-15, Ch-12
+1 hp, 5 languages (Common, Flan, Baklunish, Olve, Moruz, Sshuz)
Training: Rampage
AC 19 (Plate and Shield)
Hp 7
Mace: +0/1d6
Sling: +0/1d6
Gear: Plate, shield, mace, pack, silver holy symbol, food bag, wine skin (), bandoleer (holy water  ,tangler , flash powder ), sling and 30 silver bullets in pouch, More Holy Water , Gerk Tabard.

XP: 1500
Gold: 150
Maintenance: Through January 577

sister_dominica.1702310880.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/11 16:08 by dave