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Jasper Finkleberry was a 20-year veteran Lay Brother of the Knights of Holy Shielding. He served mostly as cook at the order's castle in Admundfort, but was a trained medic as well. He took part in the Third Battle of 1000 Bones and saved several of the Tower Assault Crew in the battle.

However, a few months after the battle he awoken one morning to find that he had not renewed his enlistment with the order and had in fact sworn homage to Baron Turkin Fudley. He has served as a cook and house-varlet at castle Fudley in the months since. He claims he's had a few weeks' of lost memory and grumbles a bit about losing his gig at Admundfort.

He is about 45 years old, and claims that he never really wants to go on expeditions outside of a town or castle, not being particularly outdoorsy.

finkleberry.1681126023.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/04/10 11:27 by dave