=====The Decks===== We should probably start figuring out how the various decks are to be constructed, I'd like some feed back before I jump into making stuff. * **Ordinary Gear Deck**: this one is simple, it will be made by printing out pages from the various gear books and cutting the pages into 4 cards. I'll just handle this one, no big deal, nothing terribly creative * **Special Rewards Deck**: I figure we both want to get involved in this. It should look different, I reckon. A specific color of 3x5 card? Any preference? I thought we should have a specific ratio of temporary to permanent cards: say out of every 4 cards you make, 2 are 1-use or 1-session items (ally for 1 session, a case of 12 grenades etc.), 1 is a permanent upgrade, repair or replacement (repair any broken vehicle, replace car with race car, add 20mm cannon to a vehicle, increase vehicle speed by 4" or something) and 1 is a permanent acquisition (squad of henchmen join permanently, PC's choose any 1 new piece of gear from catalogue). Thoughts on this? Make it simpler 1/2 permanent, 1/2 temporary? * **NPC Stats** as we create NPC stats for adventures, we should keep them for later re-use. Do we use 4x6 actual cards (then can keep a file box)? 1/4 sheets of paper (easier)? Try to insert pictures on the cards (may or may not be room, but we have some many pictures ready on wiki, easy to copy in, but might just refer to wiki itself, but screen at table are often awkward)?