Dr. Skull's Conan Cult Campaign : Rules : Caltrops and Marbles Back to Dr. Skull's Conan Cult Campaign : Rules
A bag of caltrops will cover a 5' square. It will attack anyone who moves into it (base attack bonus +0) vs. dodge. If the character is armored, the defender may add +2 to his DC. If it hits, the creature loses 1 hit point and their speed is reduced by 50% until either 24 hours have passed or the creature has recieved medical help. Each bag costs 25 pieces of silver and weigh two pounds.

A bag or marbles covers a similar area as caltrops. Any creature who moves into the area must make a balance check (DC 15) to continue moving. If a creature loses its movement in this way, they must make another balance check (DC 15) to prevent falling down completely.

The effects of both items may be avoided by spending an entire round doing nothing but moving at the mover's standard movement rate (typically 30'). Five-foot steps do not draw attacks from caltrops or trip threats from marbles, either.

The GM judges the effectiveness of marbles or caltrops against unusual opponents. Huge creatures or creatures with more than two legs might not even be bothered by these items.