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The Sandbox

Procedures of Play in the Eldritch Earth Campaign

Rule One: You are an adventurer because you feel a strong call in your bones to adventure. The boredom of a calm life doesn't appeal to you – you are driven to leave behind the safety of civilization and explore the wilds to make your name. Regardless of what drives you, you are driven. You choose where to go and what to do. There will be a handful of obvious choices, but you don't by any means need to take them. The adventure is in your hands.

Conceptual Introduction (draft):

Players should be aware, it is their job to decide what will happen in a session. They will be provided with a Campaign Action map that will have a number of places indicated on it. It's entirely player decision where to go and what to do during any game session or between sessions, for that matter.

For example, there is Bandit country to the North-Northwest of Jorvikshire, you can always harass the bandits. There are Danes to the East, you can go mess with them. You can rob travelers, go the Kingston, the capital of the Kingdom, and shop, burglarize or mug people, if that floats your boat. There are several Atlantean Ruins nearby, each crammed with monsters and treasure to loot, you can go there.

Each place of possible adventure on the map will have a “Danger Rating”, indicating the HD totals of typical encounters. The higher the Danger Rating, the more treasure will be found, but the more perilous the fights.

Experience advancement comes only through spending money, so if gaining levels is the most important thing to you, you need to get gobs of cash. But, if you'd rather establish a reputation as the greatest singer in the land, you could spend your time in that sort of thing.


  1. Players can set up adventure goal ahead of time: e.g. we want to go to the Cavern of Screaming Dung, they are expected to arrange with DM ahead of time (at least 2 days before game session)–if it is so done, XP bonus for session (???)
  2. If no adventure goal set, begin at the table in the HQ building, come up with plan from Action Map.
  3. If no plan, lighting rounds for each player, keep rotating until some coherent action happens, or keep rounding
  4. Session ends with players “back home”
  5. Unless the players have other plans/actions (months of crafting or training, weeks of ability score healing etc), 2 game weeks pass between each session in game as in life.
  6. Players can have several active characters in the campaign, but only 1 in any “party or expedition” at a time, these characters can't pool resources.
  7. But, each character should have an “Heir” designated to inherit his stuff if he dies (could be his own or someone else's character, or henchman or retainer).
  8. Side quests: my character can do a side quest, if a DM is willing to accommodate, these can be online, by email, or live, time and maintenance must be kept track of.
  9. One DM should be “Time Master” keeping track of all time used by various characters in a centrally accessible manner
  10. Since XP is granted by spending, each character needs to put all spending for a session on a card and give it to a DM for the XP to be credited. An XP Master DM? How about if everyone needs to keep an XP log of their own on the wiki? Post it or it didn't happen!

Design Notes

I like the idea of just doing lightning rounds until something interesting happens!

We should also have a conceit that all party members AUTOMATICALLY KNOW EACH OTHER. Even if they just know one another by reputation, they should at least be on speaking terms before meeting in the narrative. Now if they meet and hate each other AFTERWARDS, that's another story. However, I'm not about to GM a chance meeting of our party. That's just stupid.

Maybe we create a table for how they met? Something like this?

  • Met at a tavern where they shared stories
  • Met on an unrelated job
  • Met through a common acquaintance
  • Met casually but didn't put the name with the face until after they parted
  • Met while shopping, both wanted to buy the same unique item
  • Met over a common interest or field of study
  • Met while traveling and shared a campsite
  • Met in dire circumstances and relied on each other to survive
  • Met a long time ago and now are reunited comrades
  • Met a long time ago as they are distant kin

Do you think we could count on players to update the wiki with their spending/xp regularly? I really like the idea of players keeping track of that themselves and forcing them to at least look at all our hard work here.

I also like the idea of the “Time Master” for downtime. We probably need to have an online calendar tool of some sort to help track that as well. Maybe a timeline?

When are new characters made to have “several active characters?” I really don't want to have the previous situation where we all had three PCs. Particularly since henchmen are basically PC-controlled PCs. Maybe we rule that everyone can make a new character when someone's old character dies?

I'm easy on whether we offer an XP bonus for having a plan in advance. As a GM I think that would be very helpful. I'm just not sure what a good bonus would be? Just 100 XP? Or 1/10 the XP to advance to the next level?

If we have different players who want to do significantly different things, do we split the session? I'm thinking that just like the lightning rounds, that is exactly what we might do.

BTW, I'm working on a new Jorvikshire map. I've left the ruins off in hopes that us GMs would actually draw on it adding features and terrain as needed.

the_sandbox.1580823490.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/02/04 13:38 by andrew