=====WHIZZO'S ALEHOUSE===== Whizzo's is a disreputable alehouse in [[jorvikburg|Jorvikburg]]. It is on the south side of town at the corner of King and Beaver streets. The ale is accounted to be the worst in town, but since it goes for 1cp for a pint and a half, it's also the cheapest. Whizzo himself is a retired unsuccessful jester. On occasion, he feels the old trade come over him and he tells the worst jokes imaginable. He finishes his jokes by saying "Whoa, Whoa, Whoa---Whizzo!" About one third of the time, you're likely to encounter three gamblers who are called Slick, Shark and Fang who are looking for a good game. A criminal gang called [[the_whizzo_boys|THE WHIZZO BOYS]] hangs out in and near the bar, but aren't affiliated with Whizzo himself. Or are they? No. Unless they are.