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In the city of Emporion, Mrow, Zerkwad, Mongo and Renly pitched in to buy a nice wooden house with a courtyard to serve as their headquarters during explorations of the city and the Pits of Damnation beneath. Mrow put in a bit more than the others toward the purchase price.

Location: OI-1 Scale 5'x5;


#1 Main Hall–Zerkwad flops here, so does Cat Astrofee

#2 Mrow's room (Bill Van Guardo too)

#3 is the kitchen
Steevo, Robbo,

#4 Chuggins and Pantry

#5 Sandbox

#6 Library, Study

#7 Sondra

#8 Hallway

#9 Mongo and Giggles

Room 10–Renly's room, iron strongbox with his money and obsidian hearts, locked trap– common contact poison

Room 11–Shump's room, with Red Jim the Pirate

Room 12 in the basement is wizard locked–Spell Books of Mrow and Allatia, chest of gold Shump crashes here.

Permanent Guard: Sondra, 2 Giant Lizards (large), Stevo and Robbo (lvl 2 thieves)

the_frat_house.1645404652.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/02/21 00:50 by dave