City of Emporion

The city of Emporion is the largest settlement in Thranconia or the Great Vale. It was founded in 1303 on the site of the Tower of Damnation a former hub of demonic worship and foul sorcery. Today it is the hub of trade, shipping, manufacture and learning in the region.

Statistics Population: 40,000 people;
Military: Knights 400, Soldiers 1600, Militia 8000;
Dirtbags: 1600;
Specials: 400;
Facilities: Inns: 6, Taverns: 8, Temples: 7, Armorers: 40, Blacksmiths: 80, Alchemists: 2, Herbalists: 6, Building Company: 5, Mage Guild: 2, Gangs: 6

People of Emporion